LinkedIn For Yachting Companies: How to customise your LinkedIn URL

Jul 12, 2024 | Marketing Advice

LinkedIn has transitioned beyond just a job-hunting platform.

LinkedIn offers:
↪︎ A place to expand and showcase your professional portfolio and testimonials.
↪︎ A platform to share your professional and personal story.

↪︎ Business opportunities and partnerships.

↪︎ Company insights and industry news.
↪︎ Education and learning.
 ↪︎ Networking opportunities.
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DID YOU KNOW? By default, LinkedIn gives each user a URL that contains your name as well as a bunch of random letters and numbers.  It looks something like this:

This URL is not very user friendly or easily shared with prospects or your network.
One of the quickest ways to enhance your professional profile is to customise your LinkedIn URL – this is an easy and free feature.
Changing your LinkedIn URL to a personalised LinkedIn URL ensures your profile appears better in search results, your URL is more streamlined, it’s easier to remember that a whole bunch of random letters/numbers, you can be differentiated clearly among other LinkedIn users with a similar (or same name).


1️⃣ Click on “Me” at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.

2️⃣ Click on “View profile.”
3️⃣ Click on “Edit public profile & URL” on top right.
4️⃣ Click on the pencil icon: “Edit your custom URL”.
5️⃣ Create a personalised URL.  LinkedIn will check the availability of the URL you entered. If it’s already taken or not allowed, you will need to use a different variation. Your custom URL must contain 3-100 letters or numbers. Please don’t use spaces, symbols, or special characters.
Since you’ll share this public profile URL with people, keep it simple so they can find your LinkedIn profile.

5 places where you can you use your LinkedIn URL:

  • Add your URL to your email signature.
  • Business cards (or a QR code is good too!)
  • Presentations or conference slides.
  • CVs.
  • Website bios.
Feel free to share your updated URLs below, and let’s connect! 🤝✨

Top Public Relations Voice on LinkedIn

I also have some great news!   LinkedIn has given me a ‘Top Public Relations Voice’ which is great news as it means I’m in the top 3% of contributors for a platform that has over 1 billion members.
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However, while the badge is a virtual endorsement, it doesn’t help me write engaging posts, do outreach to HNW, yachting or event clients that I want to reach, or interact on my behalf to negotiate deals.

However, I love LinkedIn and here’s why:

🌐 AUDIENCE: LinkedIn has a higher % of my target HNW, yachting and event clients and allows me to connect with the right people for work. For example, of the hundreds of Fortune 500 CEOs on social media, 97% of them are on LinkedIn. I’ve built my network up to include well-known names in fashion, film, music, sports, tech and television.

🫶 COMMUNITY: I’ve built up a solid community over 13,000 members on LinkedIn who support my content. Then there’s the lurkers – who don’t engage, but suddenly drop into your inbox with an offer or partnership. I’ve met lots of people in person too so friendships have formed. LinkedIn also gives me another platform to talk about and highlight underrepresented charities or causes.

👍 ENGAGEMENT: LinkedIn challenges the over-the-top idea of being popular. There’s less people here who have an end game of posting purely to go viral. People appreciate the effort you make to share helpful content. LinkedIn is THE platform that allows me to rock the boat occasionally, fuel opinion and get decent engagement by challenging the status quo.

🧠 KNOWLEDGE: As with any platform, LinkedIn has its fair share of experts and gurus! However, there’s a lot of clever people here who I’ve learned from regarding brand positioning, content tools and business development. When you build your knowledge you avoid a mindset that your abilities are fixed and determined by your background, intelligence, luck or talent.

🚀 OPPORTUNITIES: I have received amazing business opportunities and partnerships via LinkedIn. Opportunities that I couldn’t see happening via X or Instagram.

Head over to LinkedIn to follow me there:

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