The importance of social media for yachting companies

Jul 15, 2024 | Marketing Advice, News

Social media is like a shop window; you have to keep polishing it so your customers can look in and see clearly.

✅ Three beneficial aspects of social media:

▪ It gives you opportunities to build communities around your business, educate your audience or share your knowledge.

▪ It works 24/7 while you sleep, drink coffee, or fine tune your next party trick.

▪ It enables you to cross geographic barriers to reach new customers outside of your immediate location.

🛑 Three downsides to social media:

▪ Having to create unique content regularly – often great ideas come while you’re in the shower, stuck in the airport queue, or stealing your kids’ Monopoly money.

▪ Clients believing that you just ‘post and go’ without understanding you are constantly monitoring audience behaviour and staying updated with trends, competitors, and market activity.

▪ Cyberbullying, digital addiction, and anxiety dealing with social media trolls and online nastiness. They say you’re not success on social media until you have at least one regular troll.  Of course I blocked him!

I often encounter yachting companies who believe they have to be active on every social media platform, without understanding the impact of this.

Many businesses launch a new account on Threads, TikTok, Facebook, or Instagram, and then their content journey plateaus because they don’t have consistency with ideas or posting. ⁠

Antibes Yachting offers an online directory for yachting companies to grow their reach with customers

If your company is not on the table as the ‘go-to’ business for the products or services you offer, then you need a marketing face slap:

✅ Move from being a content consumer to a content creator. “You can spend 2 hours scrolling in the feed, or 2 hours creating content for your business“ When you create useful, informative, relevant content it is an ASSET and the bonus is you’re highly likely to get more referrals from others.

Create content that demonstrates your industry expertise, and THOUGHT LEADERSHIP to your ideal customers and industry peers.
Post links to your newsletter, company blog, podcasts, video demos, interviews, portfolio, explainer guides, or answer FAQs about your products/services.⁠
On LinkedIn, I regularly publish ‘2-Minute Tips For Yachting Companies’ with marketing and communication advice which have been really successful. Give your ideal clients a reason to come back!

✅ 4 steps to ditch the time wasters and attract repeat paying customers; be CLEAR about:

1) WHAT problems do you solve for customers
2) WHY your solution works
3) HOW it works
4) WHERE is the proof is (E.g. Client testimonials, portofolio examples, case studies).

If I can’t find this information on your Linkedin profile/page, or on your website I’m not coming back.  

Ditch the unecessary jargon and fluffy words in your ABOUT section.
Customers don’t want to waste their time trying to decipher whether your products or services are a good fit for them.  
✅ Customers expect you to be where they are 24/7, so take advantage of tools and tactics to get your business in front of them.
Focus on ‘being found’ and not just on ‘finding’ customers. Whether this is optimising your website SEO for voice search, geo-tagging your social media posts to reach customers looking for products or services nearby, or using targeting with paid ads.
✅ GET STARTED with posting on LinkedIn today – the % of people actively posting and the longevity of organic content here is above standard for the yachting industry.
Recently I had someone contact me who found something I published on LinkedIn 3 years ago.  I don’t get that on any other platform as the feeds are heavily saturated and move faster.
If you need more free tips for content marketing, watch my YouTube video below:

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